Wednesday, January 22, 2014

9 Days for Life - Day 4

We've made it to Day 4 of the novena for life.  Events are beginning in Washington DC in anticipation for the March for Life.  Keep the folks shivering in the snow in your prayers - it's going to be a cold one.

I saw a quote from the Governor of New York who said that pro-life people are not welcome in New York.  That angers me.  There.  I said it.  For you who know me, I can be somewhat militant.  One of my friends calls me a "defender of the faith."  I don't know about that, but I do consider it a compliment.  However, my goal is to keep "Comfortably Catholic" non-militant.  I may not always be successful, but I will try my best.

Today I want to focus on prayer for those who disagree with the pro-life prospective.  I know many of them are as ardent in their beliefs as I am in mine.  I really want to dislike them.  Ugly rhetoric and shouting matches will not bend hearts and change minds.  Only God can do that.  So today I'm praying for those who don't agree with me.  Maybe God will change my heart too.

You can find the prayers/reflections for today HERE.

Father of life,
As you have given me the gift of life,
So may I give it away each day to you,
And to my brothers and sisters,
That through penitence, prayer, and charity
My days on earth may lead me home to you.


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